Want to make your digital products and services more accessible but not sure how to begin? Start with Perkins Insights. We’ll conduct an expert review of your digital experience that reveals how users with disabilities interact with your site and identifies the most critical accessibility obstacles, giving you a snapshot of where you are today and next steps for moving forward.
people in the U.S. have a disability
how long it takes for accessibility to pay for itself
We’ll thoroughly test and document the experience of using your site or application, incorporating the input of our users with disabilities who will navigate your site with assistive technology. We’ll focus on key goals like basic navigation, searching, filling in forms and completing transactions. You’ll learn what worked well, where we encountered barriers and what needs to be improved to reach and engage more customers.
Our accessibility experts will document the top WCAG accessibility standards issues. We’ll identify the issues that could have the biggest positive impact on the user experience and offer guidance on how to address them.
We’ll present our findings to your entire team, so all the right people can have a shared understanding of your accessibility challenges, and the right leaders will be motivated to get the funding to fix it.